Media Attention
History and Future of Higher Education
A blog post by Duke scholar Cathy Davidson; mentions my and my colleague Dr. Mia Zamora’s participation in the HASTAC MOOC hybrid experience as professors of the co-located course “Exploring Connected Learning” to be taught in January 2014.
GSE Grants Advance Student Research in Educational Technology
An article regarding my appointment as a 2013 Digital Learning Fellow through Rutgers Graduate School of Education.
Rutgers PhD Student Leads East Amwell Seventh Graders on Computer Game Development Quest
Inscribing Technology into the Classroom: Kean University Writing Project Takes to the Hill for Writing Education
An article about my visit to Capital Hill with KUWP Director Mia Zamora to lobby for federal funding assistance in support of the National Writing Project.
Kean Celebrates Third Annual National Day on Writing
An article on the Kean University Writing Project’s annual celebration of the National Day on Writing.
NCTE Convention Program Session Announcement Flier
A flier announcing my spotlight session at the 2012 annual convention of the National Council of Teachers of English.
Teachers Teaching Teachers: Kean University Writing Project Hosts Professional Development Workshop
An article regarding my work as Assistant Director of the Kean University Writing Project, featuring a mini-conference style inservice session I organized in February 2012.
Technology Today with Dr. Erica Boling
A live Vokle session that was recorded in the fall of 2011, featuring myself and my students from the course Web-Based Multimedia Design for Educators.
Rutgers Ed Tech Program Brochure
I am pictured in the online website and program brochure for the Rutgers Educational Technology Certificate Program.
Reading the Plays of Wendy Wasserstein
A mention of my assistance with compiling the index for the book by Dr. Jan Balakian.